My Guitar

My Guitar guitar.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dirty Rooms

My room isn't totally messy, per say, but it's definitely cluttered, and there's a few cups here and there. I wanted to start this, because, eh, I saw a freaking bug crawling on the bed beside where I was laying and freaked out. It was smaller than a rolley polley thing xD but bigger than an ant, I have no idea what it was, but god damn, it changed me. xD I feel like washing my walls, vaccuuming every centimeter of carpet i have, wash everything, and goddamn, make it cleaner than a fucking hospital room. How many of you guys have a messy room? Mine won't be for long. Tomorrow, i'm doing some major cleaning.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tired...must go on...

I'm. So. Tired. Must. Stay. Awake. Can't. Sleep.

This post was extremely stupid.


Unicorns I love them, unicorns I love them! Uni-uni-unicorns, i loo-ove them! Uni-unicorns i could pet one. If they were really real.. And they are! So i bought one so i could pet it. Now it loves me, now I love it. La-lala-la-lalala. .... :D

Alligator refrigerator blogs

I'm making this post for you. Because you told me to dress up as an alligator and run into a refrigerator. INTO it, not inside it. Yes, I remember. xD Thank you for that tasteful advice. ;) BUT, I made a blog instead. :o xD WEE!!!

I have a song stuck in my head...

I've had a song stuck in my head... Called On The Brightside by NeverShoutNever... I played it so many times on the guitar today that my fingers almost bled. :o Hhahah. Bye.