My Guitar

My Guitar guitar.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tired...must go on...

I'm. So. Tired. Must. Stay. Awake. Can't. Sleep.

This post was extremely stupid.


Unicorns I love them, unicorns I love them! Uni-uni-unicorns, i loo-ove them! Uni-unicorns i could pet one. If they were really real.. And they are! So i bought one so i could pet it. Now it loves me, now I love it. La-lala-la-lalala. .... :D

Alligator refrigerator blogs

I'm making this post for you. Because you told me to dress up as an alligator and run into a refrigerator. INTO it, not inside it. Yes, I remember. xD Thank you for that tasteful advice. ;) BUT, I made a blog instead. :o xD WEE!!!

I have a song stuck in my head...

I've had a song stuck in my head... Called On The Brightside by NeverShoutNever... I played it so many times on the guitar today that my fingers almost bled. :o Hhahah. Bye.