My Guitar

My Guitar guitar.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Twisted Moon (the poem)

You've twisted your way
You've shined like a moon
You showed me life
You showed me truth
My twisted moon
I'm the sun
You're the moon
You've been looking gloomy
While my brightness isn't very bloomy
My twisted moon
You've reflected your light
I've reflected mine
They've collided
They've grown
We shine
Without you
Without me
I'd be an unlit star
You'd be a mindless piece of rock
We wouldn't shine
No one could see
No life
No soul
No belief
No shine
My twisted moon
Without you
There's no me
Without me
Is there no you?
Save me
If you're gone
Save me
Please, save me
I will have no place in this endless universe
Without you
So don't drop out of this black pit
Don't drop out
Without me, please
My twisted moon
I need you
I won't question why you've been gloomy
Don't question me
After all that we've been through
Just give it time
My twisted moon
We'll learn together
What it takes
Just bring me closer
Our twisted moon

THAT WAS MY COMPLETELY DRAMATIC, TEEN ANGST POEM!!! Amazing, right? Oh, and slightly overrated.

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